Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Safeguarding Children and Young People free essay sample

Unit 203 Outcome 1 1. Describe how to establish respectful, professional relationships with children and young people. It is important firstly to take into consideration the different needs and levels of development of the children or young people you are building relationships with and reflect this in the way you communicate. With foundation children, for example you could communicate in a much simpler way to make sure they understand. It is also important to relate to children in a way, which makes them feel respected and valued whilst encouraging them to respect others.It is also important to lay down the ground rules so that everyone knows what is expected of them and that they are being treated fairly but to remain positive and approachable at all times. 1. 2 Describe with examples how to behave appropriately for a child or young person’s stage of development. For younger children you should always try to get down to their level when speaking to them and to speak clearly, making sure they understand what you are saying. We will write a custom essay sample on Safeguarding Children and Young People or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page You must also remember that younger children can sometimes lose concentration quite quickly or become tired.I would ask for guidance or advice if I was unsure about something and be mindful that other people may also need help or support. I would avoid gossiping or speaking negatively about others but would try to notice other people’s achievements and efforts. 2. 2 Describe the importance of adult relationships as role models for children and young people. If children and young people are in an environment where they see adults treating those around them with respect and courtesy, they are more likely to respond that way themselves. It also helps to create a friendly and positive environment, which makes them, want to be in school and learn.We need to bear in mind that children are often shy and can be wary of approaching adults, being generally approachable and warm will help to reassure children that firstly you will treat them respectfully if they approach you and secondly will set an example to them of good relationships between people being desirable and mutually beneficial. Children will often mimic the behaviour of adults and the mimicking of pleasant and courteous behaviour can create very positive feedback for the child, reinforcing the importance of being patient, tolerant and communicating clearly.It is also important to demonstra te that you find other people’s views important and you are able to listen to them and consider them, this shows children that adults can work cooperatively with one another. It is important to make sure that our communication shows and tells children what we want them to do, rather than what we do not want them to do. Outcome 3 The learner can: 3. 1 Describe how communication with children and young people differs across different age ranges and stages of development.Younger children may need more attention and reassurance and it is important to be patient when they are trying to communicate and to remember that it may not be easy for them to express what they are trying to say. They may also need more physical contact to help them feel reassured. Older children may need more help to discuss thoughts and feelings they have but may lack the vocabulary to express them adequately 3. 2 Describe the main differences between communicating with adults and communication with children and young people.The main differences are firstly to remember your role in relation to the child or young person, that as the adult, we are the carer and must maintain a formal relationship with them. Secondly, we need to be very clear and unambiguous when communication with a child and young person and make sure they have understood what we are saying. Thirdly, with children and young people we are setting an example of how to behave towards other people so should always behave in a way, which encourages positive and respectful communication. 3. 3 Identify examples of communication difficulties that may exist.

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